The Season of Brave is where the famous Zine Squad (Jules, Katie, and Vanessa) found their beginnings. This season challenges you to push past your artistic comfort zones and art journal your truths. Tutorials include how to create word art with washi tape and art journal with kids, as well as Get Messy's first introduction to image transfers and mixed media techniques. Questions answered include: what is gesso and how do you know when a page is done?
Vanessa is a Canadian artist living abroad. She creates spaces for like-minded creatives to explore archetypes, art witchery and the self. Using her knowledge from her work as an archaeologist, she leads communal spaces to explore art and dig deep into ourselves at the same time.
Julia is a British designer and creative enthusiast. She loves to express herself through shape, colour and pattern – living by the ethos of more is more!
Katie is an artist who enjoys experimenting with many mediums on journals and canvases, including markers, watercolors, mixed media, and oil paints. She learns as she paints and enjoys the process as much as the finished art.
Katie’s paintings will transform you into another world through her personal style, vibrant colors, use of nature themes, and surreal, magical vibes.
Zero expectations. Zero pressure. All the fun.