For the Season of Introspection, we turn inward to investigate our innermost thoughts and feelings. Begin with using ink blots to connect to your intuition and art journaling your personality type. Make a gorgeous mess bleaching paper, stenciling with mists, and making watercolor collage paper. Learn how to use the style of artists you admire. Find and source words for journaling and use your own photography. You will want to save that junk mail for the tutorial on using envelopes in your art journal. Don’t miss Katie’s beginner’s guide to drawing faces or Tanylee’s 10 minute art journal pages.
Julia is a British designer and creative enthusiast. She loves to express herself through shape, colour and pattern – living by the ethos of more is more!
Tanyalee is a mum to three grown up kids, a wife to her childhood sweetheart, a full time graphic designer and a part time crafter/art journaler. She loves growing veggies to feed her family, she loves raising her fur babies (cats, rabbits and guinea pigs) and she loves spending her spare time just pottering around her house. Tanyalee LOVES being at home more than anything else – as long as her family is nearby.
Essie (she/her) is an artist and writer who works with a broad range of media to explore ideas of identity, family, love, grief, trauma, and social justice. Her writing and her visual art inform each other, and are in constant dialogue in her journals which hold a constantly fluctuating mix of story telling, reflection, catharsis, and imagination. She has one wife, one son, two cats, eighteen tattoos, and approximately two hundred rolls of washi tape.
Torrie’s deep belief is that every human on this planet is creative in their soul. We were made to design, create, paint, play, imagine and share our inner artist with the world. It’s just a matter of letting ourselves tap into that resource within us. There is an inner artist/crafter/plant arranger/advanced organizer just dying to be let out. It’s just a matter of taking the time to discover who that inner voice is, and what they’re trying to say.
Cait Sherwood is a mixed-media painter who works into art journals daily. She lives on a farm in Brookeville, Maryland. She is obsessed with understanding the creative process.
Karen is an Artist. She arts like a boss and believes that you should too. Karen loves Poppies, triangles, colour and hand lettering. She’s all about the process and loves to complete pages that take days to make and ones that take minutes to make as well.
Anika likes art journaling, scrapbooking, photography and DIY projects. She is an introvert; her Myers-Briggs personality type is INTJ. Anika lives in a small town in BC, Canada with her husband and their two girls.
Zinia is an art student from Greece. She loves everything about colors, cats, puppies, cupcakes and pretty paper products. Zinia dreams of one day being an art educator and spreading confetti of inspiration to the world.
Katie is an artist who enjoys experimenting with many mediums on journals and canvases, including markers, watercolors, mixed media, and oil paints. She learns as she paints and enjoys the process as much as the finished art.
Katie’s paintings will transform you into another world through her personal style, vibrant colors, use of nature themes, and surreal, magical vibes.
Vanessa is a Canadian artist living abroad. She creates spaces for like-minded creatives to explore archetypes, art witchery and the self. Using her knowledge from her work as an archaeologist, she leads communal spaces to explore art and dig deep into ourselves at the same time.
Zero expectations. Zero pressure. All the fun.